Jul 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Student Handbook 
2018-2019 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION] Use the dropdown above to select the current catalog.

Student Organizations & Student Officers

HMC Departmental Organizations

In general, each major has a social organization to promote student-faculty relations. Meetings are informal and on a non-academic basis. In addition, HMC, along with the other colleges, holds institutional membership in professional academic organizations, many of which nominate undergraduates for membership. Listed below are some of the student and professional organizations at HMC.

American Chemical Society

American Institute of Chemical Engineers

American Institute of Physics

American Mathematical Society

American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

American Society for Cell Biology

American Society for Engineering Education

American Society of Civil Engineers

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

American Society of Plant Biology

The Association for Computing Machinery

The Association of Symbolic Logic

Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Mathematical Association of America

Pi Mu Epsilon (national honor society for mathematics majors)

Sigma Phi Sigma (national honor society for physics majors)

Sigma Xi (national honor society for scientists and engineers)

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos & Native Americans in Science

Society for the Advancement of Latino Scientific Achievement

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology

Society of Physics Students

Society of Women Engineers

Tau Beta Pi (national honor society for engineers)

ASHMC-Chartered Organizations

All HMC student organizations (not including professional societies) must have a charter ratified by the ASHMC Council to be recognized and considered for annual budgeting. For more information about these or other HMC organizations, or about the chartering process, contact the ASHMC president.

3CIV (Bible study)

APISPAM (Asian and Pacific Islanders club)


Archery Club


Barnstormers (aviation club)

Black Lives and Allies at Mudd


Club Tennis

CSL (Starcraft)

Delta H (Outdoors club)

DUCK! (Improv Comedy)

El Greco

Engineers for a Sustainable World/ Mudders Organizing for Sustainability Solutions (ESW/MOSS)

Entrepremudders (business club)


H2Overdrive (surfing club)


JamSoc (music club)

Magic The Gathering Club

Marc (amateur rocketry)

MMAD (Mudders Making a Difference - volunteering)

Muddraker (student newspaper)

Mudd Investment Fund


Poker Club



Skate Society

Snow Club (winter sports)

Society of Women Engineers

Wallbangers (rock climbing club)

Wine Enthusiasts


Five-College Organizations

All 5-College organizations wishing to receive annual funding must register at the Associated Students of Pomona College Office on the Pomona Campus. For more information on the present status and leaders of 5-College organizations, contact the ASPC Business Office at 909.607.2268.

The following is a sample of 5-C organizations:

5-C Ballroom Dance

5-C Triathlon Club

9th Street Hooligans (a cappella)

After School Specials (a cappella)

Amnesty International

Badminton Club

CC Democrats

CC Republicans

Chinese Student Association

Circle K

Claremont Finance Conference

Claremont Shades (a cappella)

EKTA (South Asian)

Equestrian Team

Extravaganza Magazine

Feminist Remix

Figure Drawing

Club Hillel

Hindu Society

Hui Laulea (Hawai’ian)

International Club

International Festival

Jewish Mentor Program (JMP)

Jewish Student Union (JSU)

Kosher Chords (a cappella)

KSPC (radio)

Mariachi Serrano de Claremont

Men’s Blue and White (a cappella)

Men’s Ultimate Frisbee

ASHMC Officers 2018–2019

President Julia Wang ‘20
Senate Chair. Nick Richardson ‘20
Treasurer Max Maleno ‘20
Judiciary Board Chair Harry Fetsch
Disciplinary Board Chair Cat Ngo
Honor Board Representatives, Senior Class  
Honor Board Representatives, Junior Class  
Honor Board Representatives, Sophomore Class  
Honor Board Representatives, First-year Class  
Social Directors Lorenzo Calvano ‘21
  Erin Johnson ‘20
Club Chairs Alice Chi ‘21
  Ariellle Isaacs ‘21
Committee for Activities Planning Director Daphne Poon ‘21
  Christina Chai ‘21
Residential Affairs Liaison Tommy Schneider ‘19 & Lilly Friedberg ‘20
Executive Assistant Emily Hwang ‘20

Class Presidents

Senior Class Maggie Gelber ‘19
  Casey Gardner ‘19
Junior Class Priyanka Agarwal ‘20
  Tiffany Madruga ‘20
Sophomore Class Sasha Bridger ‘21
  Kyle Grace ‘21
First-year Class TBD

Dorm Presidents

Atwood Maddie Gaumer ‘19
  Willis Sanchez-Dupont ‘19
  Hannah Slocumb ‘19
  Gabriel Quiroz ‘19
Case Celena Chen ‘20
  Johnson Hoang ‘20
  Forest Kobayashi ‘20
  Ricky Shapley ‘20
East Emma Cuddy ‘21
  Harry Fetsch ‘20
  Dylan Sotir ‘21 & Flora Xia 20
Linde Garrett Conway ‘20
  Eric Contee ‘19
  Mazda Moayeri ‘20
  Leana Yearwood ‘19
Drinkward Felipe Borja ‘19
  Camille Simon ‘21
  Elisha Dayag ‘21
North Gabby Giordano ‘20
  Russell Bingham ‘20
  Skipper Gonzalez ‘19 & Finn Southerland ‘19
Sontag Carl Aslund ‘20 & Ramya Ramaliingam ‘21
South Nina Brown ‘19
  Elizabeth Poss ‘19
  Coco Stiff ‘20
West Thomas Martinez ‘21
  Holly Frank ‘20
  Neeta Rao ‘20
  Blake Larkin ‘19