Sep 17, 2024  
2018-2019 Student Handbook 
2018-2019 Student Handbook [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION] Use the dropdown above to select the current catalog.

Division of Student Affairs

Message From the Division of Student Affairs

Dear Students,

While attending Harvey Mudd College, students will find that it’s an important time for personal development and intellectual growth. As a college, we encourage you to discover what it means to live in a diverse community and learn how to strengthen your ethical core and leadership abilities. We work alongside students to engage them in the opportunities available to them, understand adult responsibity and the honor code, and create a campus environment where learning and transformational experiences occur inside and outside the classroom.

The Division of Student Affairs, which includes the offices of Campus Life, Career Services, Community Engagement, Institutional Diversity, Residential Life, and Student Health and Wellness, plays an integral role in crafting and supporting students’ wellness and their personal, social and academic development. In collaboration with the associate dean for academic affairs and faculty members,  our programs and services complement, support and enhance the mission of the College.

All my best,

Anna K. Gonzalez, PhD

Vice President for Student Affairs

Dean of Students

Twitter: @akgonzal327


Division of Student Affairs Mission Statement

Educating Ethical Leaders

We believe the Harvey Mudd College mission statement enjoins us to educate ethical leaders who are committed to the well-being of society and the planet. For this reason, we focus our work around three concepts: Ethics, Care, Leadership.


The Honor Code and the College’s mission statement make it clear that teaching, learning and living an ethical life should be at the heart of the Harvey Mudd student experience. DSA programs create opportunities for students to

  • explore, express and develop their own ethical commitments
  • discuss how they and others live the Honor Code in dealing with classes, roommates, friends and the larger Harvey Mudd community
  • learn about the ethics of their future professions.


Students often say that taking care of each other is a central value of the student culture. The founders of the College intended that its students would become leaders who care for their local and global communities and the planet. DSA programs will create opportunities for students to

  • understand their options and responsibilities as bystanders
  • increase their understanding of, and empathy for, students whose experience of life is different from their own
  • engage in meaningful work to benefit the College community, the local community that surrounds us, the global community and the planet.


Leadership is at the core of the mission statement. Being a visible campus leader is only one of many opportunities for leadership. DSA programs will create opportunities for students to

  • find their own leadership style and strengths
  • understand that one doesn’t have to be a “leader” to practice leadership
  • learn to recognize leadership moments in many types of situations.

Harvey Mudd College’s Aspirations

Linking these concepts are three themes that express Harvey Mudd College’s aspirations for itself and the world: Diversity, Community Engagement, Wellness.


Broadening STEM education to include more women, underrepresented groups and people with disabilities will help to expand the nation’s highly skilled professionals while taking advantage of the rich variety of perspectives within the population. “A diverse STEM workforce is a competitive advantage that the U.S. is still struggling to develop. Higher education institutions that learn how to expand their reach to these groups have a strong advantage with respect to global competency as their graduates will be better prepared to work with the diverse people who define and interpret today’s scientific and technological problems in many different ways.” (From Harvey Mudd College’s Strategic Vision, 2007)

Community Engagement

“Addressing the major global challenges, or even merely working in global science and engineering industries, requires individuals who are able to work with people from other cultures, and who have the language, organizational, leadership and communication skills to plan and carry out projects that may span nations, continents and oceans. … [At the same time] Harvey Mudd College’s proximity to many high-need and ethnically diverse neighborhoods in Southern California places it in a unique position to make a difference in these communities while also providing Harvey Mudd students with more opportunities for community engagement.” (From Harvey Mudd College’s Strategic Vision, 2007)


Harvey Mudd College is dedicated to nurturing and developing the whole person and to supporting personal growth and the acquisition of skills in areas such as creativity, leadership, teamwork, ethics and communication, in both curricular and co-curricular endeavors.

“Encouraging growth in these areas is important for all members of our community. For our students, these skills are necessary in order to become effective leaders in their future careers and in all other areas of life.” (From Harvey Mudd College’s Strategic Vision, 2007)

Student Affairs Staff

Offices located in Platt Campus Center

Anna Gonzalez 
Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students


Leslie Hughes
Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs



Assistant Dean for Residential Life

Chris Sundberg
Associate Dean for Campus Life
909.621.8757; 607.1479


Evetth Gonzalez 
Assistant Dean for Campus Life 


Karen Romero Sandoval 
Interim Assistant Director, Campus & Residential Life


Rae Chresfield
Associate Dean for Student Health and Wellness 


Michelle Harrison 
Assistant Dean for Health and Wellness 


Gabriela Gamiz 
Director of Community Engagement 


Danny Ledezma
Associate Director of Community Engagement/ Homework Hotline Coordinator


Julian Herrera

Graduate Intern, Office of Community Engagement


Arianna Figueroa
Assistant Director of Institutional Diversity




Associate Dean for Institutional Diversity




Assistant Dean for Institutional Diversity

Kim Nykanen
Executive Assistant to the VP Student Affairs/Dean of Students


Evelyn Real 
Administrative Coordinator for Student and Academic Affairs



Director of Career Services

Paul Hardister 
Associate Director of Career Services 


Elizabeth Saezler
Program/Employer Relations Coordinator Career Services

Proctors and Mentors

Students take an active role in overseeing and preserving the residential aspect of Harvey Mudd culture by becoming dorm leaders. These positions give students the opportunity to manage the dorm’s social and individual needs.

Proctors support the residential life program by developing a sense of community and are trained in crisis intervention, counseling, first aid, CPR, conflict mediation, issues of diversity and multiculturalism, event programming, fire safety and disaster preparedness. They are available to discuss personal or academic matters, help students figure out what to do or who to see to resolve a problem and give students access to their rooms when they are locked out.

Mentors support the residential life program by developing a sense of community and serving as peer advisors for both first-year students and sophomores regarding personal and academic issues. They are also instrumental in the facilitation of the Orientation program and work with the proctors to welcome and integrate first-year students into the residence halls and the Mudd community.

To see a list of the current proctors and mentors, visit the dorm staff page on the HMC website: