Mar 31, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION] Use the dropdown above to select the current catalog.

General Policies

Legal Name Change/Correction Policy

Students who have had a legal name change or believe that their education records contain a legal name that is inaccurate should contact the Registrar’s Office to update/amend the record. The student will need to provide legal documentation (i.e., court order, current driver’s license with photo, social security card, resident alien card, passport, official birth certificate, or marriage certificate) for requests for legal name changes/corrections. 

Campus Name Policy

Harvey Mudd College supports the use of Campus (preferred) Names for students while maintaining the official, legal name required for academic records and data integrity. Current students may elect to have a Campus Name recorded (first and last name only) which will be stored in several data systems Claremont-wide and used as widely as possible where the legal name is not required. To the best of the College’s ability, unless otherwise notified and where possible due to system and legal limitations, Campus Name also will be continuously used by the College and the College will encourage similar usage by the other Claremont Colleges thereafter.


Official copies of student transcripts are available through the Office of the Registrar. Fees apply for each official copy, whether provided to the student or sent to a third party at the student’s request. Requests for transcripts may be made electronically by following the instructions at Unofficial transcripts are available at no charge to students and alumni online through the HMC portal.

Fees and Refunds

All charges (tuition, room, board, fees, and deposits) must be paid in cash ($U.S.), by checks drawn on American or Canadian banks, or money order (international, if appropriate). Descriptions of fees and deposits follow; arrangements for payment must be made prior to service.

Class Fees

Individual classes may have additional fees associated with them. These fees are listed in the Schedule of Classes that is issued prior to pre-registration each semester. Class fees will be posted to student accounts and will be completely refunded if the drop is made on or before the last day to add classes. Class fees are non-refundable if drop/withdrawal is made after that date.

Damage Deposit/New Students

Half ($150) of first-year students’ enrollment deposit ($300) is automatically converted to a housing damage deposit that is returned to students when they graduate or permanently leave the College. Each year, residence hall damage charges are deducted from the deposit and students are billed to return the deposit to $150. The other half of the enrollment deposit ($150) is automatically converted to a housing deposit that becomes a credit on a student’s first bill. The enrollment deposit is non-refundable; therefore, the damage and housing deposits are non-refundable for new students who decide not to attend Harvey Mudd.

Refunds for Changes in Courseload to Less than Full Time

A student who drops below 10 credits in a regular semester may be eligible for a partial tuition refund. Students dropping below full-time status (12 credits) but remaining registered for 10 credits or more are ineligible for a refund. A student who wishes to change courseload to less than full-time must submit a Course Add/Drop/Withdraw Form and a Scholarly Standing Committee Petition to the Office of the Registrar. Students whose petitions are approved within the first 30 days of the semester are refunded according to the number of credits enrolled. No refunds are made after the first 30 days of the semester.

Refunds for Withdrawals During the Term

A student who wishes to withdraw from the College must give notice by completing a Withdrawal/Leave of Absence form with the Dean of Students or the Associate/Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs, who then notifies the Registrar and the Office of Student Accounts. No refunds are made if the student withdraws without giving notice. A student receives a refund, less a pro rata reduction of any scholarship or grant, subject to the following:

  • A 100 percent refund of charges and fees is made if withdrawal occurs before the first day of classes.
  • A 75 percent refund of the tuition charge is made if withdrawal occurs before the 18th day of classes.
  • A 50 percent refund of the tuition charge is made if withdrawal occurs after the first 17 days of classes, but by the 30th day of class.
  • No refund of the tuition charge is made after the 30th day of class.
  • Refund of the board charge is on a pro-rata basis.
  • No refund of the room charges or fees.
  • Refunds are made by the College within 30 days of completion of the Withdrawal/Leave of Absence form by the Dean of Students or the Associate/Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs.

Questions regarding withdrawal should be directed to the Dean of Students or the Associate/Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs. Questions regarding the College’s refund policy or procedure should be directed to the Office of Student Accounts.

Note: When a student leaves Harvey Mudd prior to the end of a semester, the College determines whether a refund of charges is due as well as how much federal and institutional financial aid has been earned to pay for those charges. Refer to “Return of Federal Financial Aid Funds” in the “Understanding Your Financial Aid Award” brochure provided by the Office of Financial Aid.

Automobiles and Motorcycles

Every student living on or off campus who owns or operates an automobile, motorcycle, motor scooter, moped, or motorbike on the campuses of The Claremont Colleges must register the vehicle with the Campus Safety Department at the opening of each semester. Vehicles must have liability insurance, and there is a parking fee of $30 per semester for students. First-year students are prohibited from bringing or parking cars on campus. Very limited exceptions may be made by contacting the Dean of Students.

Medical Requirements

All first year and transfer students must submit immunization records no later than August 1 of the year of their planned matriculation. Please note that some immunizations require a series of doses so it is advised that you begin the process early to meet the deadline. Immunizations are required to prevent outbreaks of disease on campus as well as to help recognize and identify students who are at risk should a disease outbreak occur. Students who have not submitted their immunization records will be unable to register for classes and move into their residence halls. The process for supplying evidence of immunization is communicated annually to incoming students by the Division of Student Affairs, and documentation is handled by Student Health Services. Contact the Division of Student Affairs with questions. Additional information may be found in the Student Handbook.

An accident and hospital reimbursement plan is required for all students to protect against major costs if they are not covered by a family health insurance policy. This plan is designed to supplement the care provided by the health service. Premiums and coverage are described in a brochure available on the Student Health Service website. Enrollment in the Claremont health insurance plan is automatic if proof of outside coverage is not provided for each academic year.

International students must present proof of health insurance that meets or exceeds the Claremont health insurance plan coverage. International students will be automatically enrolled in the Claremont health insurance plan.


The College does not assume responsibility for loss or damage to personal property belonging to students. Adequate insurance coverage is advised for everyone.

Visual Media Waiver

Harvey Mudd College reserves the right to photograph and/or videotape students, faculty, staff, and guests while on College property, during College-sponsored events or during activities where they are representing the College. These images and audio may be used by Harvey Mudd College for promotional purposes, including use in the College magazine, press releases, booklets, brochures, flyers, newsletters, advertisements, the College website and associated sites, and other promotional materials. This serves as public notice of the College’s intent to do so and as a release of permission to the College to use such images as it deems fit. If you should object to the use of your image, you have the right to withhold its release by filling out a form at the Office of Communications. Contact

Financial Aid

As specified by law, Harvey Mudd College monitors its aid recipients to ensure that they are maintaining satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward completion of their degree. Students are normally expected to graduate after eight semesters of enrollment at Harvey Mudd or, for students who transfer into Harvey Mudd from another institution, after the pre-designated number of semesters required to complete graduation requirements. As Harvey Mudd students are generally eligible for only four years (or eight semesters) of financial assistance, normal academic progress must be maintained to ensure a timely graduation. As of Fall 2021, financial aid recipients should complete an average of 30 credits per year to meet the graduation requirement of 120 credits in four years and to remain eligible for financial aid. Refer to the Quantitative Progress (Time-Based) Chart based on Term Entered available on the HMC Financial Aid/SAP page. However, if there are extenuating circumstances that prevent degree completion within eight semesters, a student may apply for up to two additional semesters to complete the degree with financial aid. A student who wishes to pursue such an extension should consult with the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or their designee.

Need-based financial aid is offered to U.S. citizens and permanent residents from the federal government, some states (including California for California-state residents. A Cal Grant is limited to four academic years. In order to graduate in four years, a student must complete 15 credits per semester or an average of 30 credits per academic year.), private organizations, and Harvey Mudd College. Harvey Mudd uses a national standard known as Institutional Methodology to determine eligibility for need-based scholarship assistance. A limited amount of Harvey Mudd need-based scholarship is also available to international students, and is determined annually. An international student who does not apply for or does not receive aid as a first-year student will not be considered for financial aid in future years at Harvey Mudd due to the limited and highly competitive nature of our funding.

The Office of Financial Aid is required to coordinate all funds that a student receives to ensure that each student’s financial need is met and that a student does not receive more financial aid than they qualify for. For this reason, Harvey Mudd has established policies on how the receipt of additional funds will affect financial aid eligibility. For example, if a student receives a Federal Pell Grant, a Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity (SEOG) Grant, a Cal Grant, other state grant, a Harvey Mudd–sponsored National Merit Scholarship, a President’s Scholars Award, Esterbrook Merit Award, a FIRST Robotics Merit Award, a VEX Robotics Award, or a Harvey S. Mudd Merit Award, the student’s need-based Harvey Mudd Scholarship award and/or SEOG will be reduced by an equal amount. If a student receives a scholarship or grant from a private organization, financial aid eligibility will be adjusted according to a standard formula. Students are eligible to reduce need-based student loans and/or Federal Work-Study funds with outside scholarship funds dollar to dollar. Once need-based student loans and Federal Work-Study amounts have been completely eliminated, any additional outside scholarships will reduce need-based Harvey Mudd Scholarships only. However, in an effort to maximize financial aid eligibility, students may retain need-based loan and Federal Work-Study amounts up to their federal eligibility.

The financial aid process at Harvey Mudd adheres to strict deadlines. Students must apply for financial aid by our published deadlines and submit all supporting documents in a timely manner. Failure to meet our published deadlines may jeopardize financial aid eligibility, as funds are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. A student who receives financial aid and withdraws from Harvey Mudd during the semester will have their financial aid adjusted according to the actual period of enrollment and the terms of the aid program(s).

Appeals to financial aid decisions should be addressed to the Office of Financial Aid.

Unresolved appeals may then be taken to the director of financial aid, the vice president and dean of admission and financial aid, and, finally, to the president of the College.

Delinquent Accounts

Every student is responsible for meeting promptly any payment due the College. Satisfactory arrangements for payment of the total charges on a student account for each semester, less financial aid, must be made prior to the beginning of each semester per the Tuition Payment Agreement.

A student account not meeting the requirements set forth in the Tuition Payment Agreement is considered delinquent. A student whose account is delinquent is subject to a late fee charge of one percent (1%) of the delinquent amount. A student with a delinquent account may be assessed a late-registration penalty and may also be disenrolled, resulting in prohibition from class attendance, revocation of dining hall privileges and/or ineligibility to pre-register for the subsequent semester.

Students Expecting Veterans Administration Benefits

Students who have provided Harvey Mudd College with a certificate of eligibility (COE) for Veterans Administration benefits under GI Bill chapter 31 or 33, and who are certified to VA as enrolled at the College by the School Certifying Official, shall not be penalized for the failure of VA to pay the amount owed to the College by the institutionally-defined payment deadline. 

As such, students shall not be charged late fees on the amount owed by VA to the College in the 90-day period after certification; late fees may still be assessed on any amount owed to the College for which there is no expectation that the VA will pay, such as room and board, parking, or tuition and fees over and above the amount covered by VA benefits. Late fees are also applicable to the amount not received from the VA after the 90-day period.

Additionally, students who submit a COE after the assessment of late fees or other penalties shall remain responsible for any penalties assessed prior to the submission of the COE.