Mar 31, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED PUBLICATION] Use the dropdown above to select the current catalog.

Admission & Financial Aid

Applicant Information

The Harvey Mudd College mission inspires the character of the college, and it is the primary focus for the admission process as well. The holistic selection process seeks students with a strong interest in the STEM fields, but with an equal commitment to the humanities, social sciences, and the arts. We are looking to create a community of students who want to learn in an environment that is both challenging and collaborative. The College’s Honor Code is also a key part of its history and community. It establishes an atmosphere of trust and integrity. By extension, we seek students who appreciate the importance of using their STEM education to improve the lives of others. 

When reviewing candidates, the committee considers carefully every aspect of the application. We seek to understand students’ accomplishments within the context of the opportunities available to them. We are mindful of students who have shown personal and academic growth and we look for fit with the College’s mission and community culture. While students’ contributions to their communities are important, it is not necessary for students to have a large number of activities or extensive leadership experience. The College actively seeks a diverse student population and encourages applications from candidates whose backgrounds have been underrepresented in engineering, science, and mathematics.

The most important piece of a student’s application is the high school transcript. Attention will be given to both the overall rigor of a student’s coursework and to the grades received. It is not necessary for the candidate  to have taken an entirely advanced curriculum, although we recommend a challenging academic program in the students’ areas of strength, particularly in the math and science courses. Admission to the college is highly selective; on average 10-15% of those who apply will be admitted. The vast majority of students who apply to the college would be strong Harvey Mudd students, and therefore we focus a good deal of attention on how a student fits with the institution’s mission.

First-year Admission

Admission and Notification Deadlines

  Application Deadline Decision Notification
Early Decision I November 15 December 15
Early Decision II January 5 February 15
Regular Decision January 5 April 1

Regular Decision students must respond to the offer of admission by May 1. All acceptances are contingent upon students maintaining the same level of academic achievement and personal integrity with which they were admitted.

Application Forms and Fees

Harvey Mudd accepts The Common Application. The application fee is $70. Students needing fee waivers should follow the directions on the application.


Recommendations are required from the student’s school or college counselor and from two academic teachers. One academic recommendation must come from a math or science teacher and the other from a humanities, social science or art teacher.

Official Transcripts

Applicants must submit transcripts from their most recent high school term. A transcript showing work completed in the first term of the senior year should be sent as soon as those marks are available. A final official transcript confirming graduation and good standing at the conclusion of the school year is also required of any enrolling student.

Standardized Tests


In Summer 2020 HMC initiated a two-year pilot for a new testing policy to make submission of ACT or SAT exams optional. This policy has been extended to include students applying for Fall of 2024. The test-optional policy applies to the SAT and ACT tests and will apply to all applicants to the College, including homeschooled,  transfer and international students. We have not yet determined the policy for subsequent years. The pilot program will allow the Office of Admission to evaluate the role that testing plays in the admission process before a decision is made whether to make the policy change permanent.  

For applicants who choose to report SAT or ACT results:

Either the SAT or the ACT is accepted (essay section not considered for either test).

Recommended latest test date for applicants who choose to report ACT or SAT results:

  • Early Decision I - SAT November Test Date, ACT October Test Date
  • Early Decision II - December Test Date
  • Regular Decision - December Test Date

Applicants who wish their scores to be considered as part of the application process are encouraged to self-report their test scores either on their applications or through the admission portal. Only admitted candidates who chose to have their scores considered and who decide to enroll at Harvey Mudd will be required to submit official scores.

Curriculum-based Tests: AP, IB, Cambridge

HMC Admission will consider examination results or predicted marks for students who follow the AP, IB, or Cambridge system curriculum. Submission of these exam results or predicted marks is not required.

Personal Interview

Interviews are not required. Our interviews are all conducted virtually and are conversations which provide an opportunity for applicants to learn more about Harvey Mudd College. They also allow the admission committee to get to know an applicant better.  Students are able to review the interview questions on the admission website. Typically, interviews occur during the fall of, or in the summer just before, a student’s senior year. The interview should occur before the application deadline passes.

Curricular Expectations

Applicants are expected to complete a strong program of studies throughout their secondary school career. Each enrolling student is required to complete one year of high school or one semester of college course work in calculus, chemistry, and physics. We do not dictate at what level these courses should be since students come to us from around the world and have different access to courses.  Students who are unable to complete one or some of these courses may be admitted contingent upon successful completion of a summer college course in that discipline. Applicants who will not have completed the requirements should make this fact known at the time of their applications.

Recommended Courses:

English – Four years. It is assumed that the student will have a thorough grounding in grammar and competence in writing and speaking.

Mathematics – Four years. Calculus is required before entering in the fall.

Science – Four years are recommended. At least one year of chemistry and one year of physics are required before entering in the fall. One year of biology is recommended.

Foreign Language – Two years recommended.

Social Science – Applicants are encouraged to elect at least two years of social science courses, including at least one year of history.

Deferred Entrance

Candidates who are accepted for admission may request to defer their entrance for a year. They should write to the Office of Admission describing their plans and must submit their enrollment deposits by May 1. Students who plan to defer enrollment at HMC may not enroll in a degree program at another college during this interval, and they may not initiate any new applications.

International Students

International students are those who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. The procedure for the admission of international students is essentially the same as the procedure for domestic students. International applicants must submit all official credentials in English or with translations. In addition, international students must show that they are sufficiently fluent in English to enable them to handle the work of all courses. Harvey Mudd College does not offer English as a Second Language or other special programs for non-English speaking students.

If English is not the language of instruction in the student’s high school, we require one of the following: IELTS, the Cambridge English Certification, TOEFL, or Duolingo English Test (DET).

The requirement for the TOEFL, DET, Cambridge English Certification, or IELTS can be waived based on a request made by the applicant.

Harvey Mudd College offers financial aid for a small number of international students and will meet 100% of each admitted student’s demonstrated need.

Final Transcripts Required

Enrolling first-year students must submit a final high school transcript that should indicate the day, month, and year of graduation. Enrolling first-year or transfer students must also submit any and all college transcripts showing the most recent marks obtained. If the enrolling student does not have a high school diploma or a GED equivalent (or, for California residents, the California High School Proficiency Examination or CHSPE), the student must be able to demonstrate strong academic performance that assures the admission committee that the student has excelled in an academic program with depth and rigor. Credit for college-level courses taken while a high school student will not transfer.

A final transcript is a critical component in allowing the College to award federal financial assistance. To be eligible for Title IV funds (federal student aid programs), a student must submit evidence of a high school diploma, an equivalent such as a GED, or must complete secondary school in a homeschool setting (as defined by state law). 

Enrollment Deposit

Admitted students who plan to enter Harvey Mudd are required to remit a non-refundable enrollment deposit of $300 to the Office of Admission by the date prescribed in the acceptance letter. This fee can be waived in cases of financial hardship. Confirmation of final admission is contingent upon this deposit.

Transfer Admission

The College only accepts transfers for the fall term. Students are considered for transfer standing if they will have completed the equivalent of one year of full-time academic coursework by the time they enter Harvey Mudd College. Candidates must submit their applications by March 15 prior to the September of desired enrollment. Notification is sent by May 5 and response regarding the offer of admission is required by June 1.

Required Transfer Application Materials:

  • Common Application     
  • $70 Application Fee (Fee waivers are available)
  • Statement from a college official stating that student is in good standing at the current institution
  • Two academic recommendations from college instructors
    • One from a college math or science instructor
    • One from a college humanities, social science, or arts instructor         

In assessing transfer applications, the Admission Committee places considerable weight on the nature and quality of the previous college record. The College seeks transfer candidates who have completed courses similar to those in the Harvey Mudd College core curriculum. 

All transfer students must spend the equivalent of four full-time semesters at Harvey Mudd and must complete all Harvey Mudd degree requirements.

The College policy on awarding credit for work completed elsewhere is described under Academic Policies . Offers of admission are conditional, pending review of final transcripts showing satisfactory completion of courses in progress.

3-2 Programs

Harvey Mudd offers a 3-2 Program in Economics and Engineering in cooperation with Claremont McKenna College. The program is designed for students who want a liberal arts background, with emphasis on economics and management, and an engineering major. The students spend their first three years at Claremont McKenna College studying mathematics, science, economics, and general education courses, as well as completing courses equivalent to HMC’s Common Core. At the end of the junior year, they may apply as transfer students to Harvey Mudd.

Harvey Mudd also has a 3-2 program in Engineering with Scripps College. It is similar to the 3-2 program with Claremont McKenna College, but the 3-2 Program with Scripps College does not include the emphasis on economics. The students spend their first three years at Scripps College and cover a broad range of courses with emphasis in mathematics and science.

Students accepted into either 3-2 program must complete Harvey Mudd’s requirements for general education and for the engineering major. Because curricular expectations for the 3-2 transfer program are specific, potential applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with the Harvey Mudd College Office of Admission, the Harvey Mudd College Office of the Registrar, and the faculty within the Department of Engineering.

Veterans and Their Dependents

To receive veteran education benefits, a veteran or a veteran’s dependent must apply to the Veterans Administration to receive a Certificate of Eligibility. (A Certificate of Eligibility does not constitute admission to the College.) Students must notify the Office of the Registrar and the Office of Student Accounts if they expect to receive veteran’s benefits. Upon enrollment at Harvey Mudd, the veteran (or dependent) should present the Certificate of Eligibility to the Office of the Registrar. The Office of the Registrar will file the necessary documentation with the Veterans Administration to certify the student’s enrollment at Harvey Mudd. Please be aware that the College is obligated to notify the Veterans Administration of any change to the student’s certification status, such as a student’s withdrawal from a course or a student’s failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress toward the degree. Additional general information about various educational benefit programs for veterans and their dependents can be found at See also the Students Expecting Veterans Administration Benefits  section under the General Policies page for more information. 

Advanced Placement

The admission committee recognizes the rigor of advanced placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Cambridge curriculum, and honors courses. We give appropriate weight to them in the selection process. Harvey Mudd does not award credit for any AP or IB exams.

Courses for High School Students (CLASS Program)

Local high school students may be permitted to take one course at HMC per fall or spring semester. The courses are typically taken in mathematics and science and are usually not offered in their high schools. These students must have excellent academic credentials and submit a “CLASS” application no later than two weeks prior to the start of classes. Selection is made by the Office of Admission after reviewing the application and following consultation with the appropriate academic department(s) and the Registrar. These students are not considered to be in residence. Charges for special course work are nominal, reflecting only some administrative processing costs.

Campus Visits

Students and their parents are encouraged to visit Harvey Mudd College, ideally when classes are in session, although summer visits are also an option. Tours, class visits, and interviews are available. Please contact the Office of Admission at or visit the Harvey Mudd website to arrange a visit and to get directions.

College Expenses

Total Expenses

Listed below are the total College expenses for the 2023-2024 academic year:

Tuition $ 65,954
Student Body Fee $ 301*
Room - Housing $ 11,566
Board - Food/Meals (19 meal plan) $ 10,144
Personal Expenses $ 1,400
Books and Supplies (estimated) $ 800
Total $ 90,165

The transportation allowance will vary based on distance, ranging from $200 to $1,400. Students will be automatically enrolled in the Student Health Insurance Plan unless proof of comparable coverage is provided and a waiver is submitted by the deadline date. The College reserves the right to change these, or any other fees, at any time. *Entering first year and transfer students will be charged an additional $250 Orientation fee. It is projected that overall expenses will increase about 5 percent each academic year. However, the College has been very successful in assisting students who need financial aid through its extensive program of scholarships and grants, education loans, and student employment.


The tuition charge for the 2023-2024 academic year at Harvey Mudd College is $65,954. Students enrolled in 10 or more credits are charged full tuition. Those in less than 10 are charged pro rata. Tuition has been set regardless of the mode of instruction and will not be refunded in the event that instruction occurs remotely for any part of the academic year.

Room and Board

The 2023-2024 charge for a campus room (housing) is $11,566. Board (food/meals) charges for the year are $10,144 for 19 meals a week plus $19 “Board Plus” per week (full board). Other board plans are available.

Dues and Fees

Dues set by the Associated Students of Harvey Mudd College are $301 per year.

Other Expenses

Additional expenses for a year at Harvey Mudd College also include the cost of books and supplies, clothing, transportation, recreation, and incidentals. An allowance toward transportation expenses should be added for students outside the Southern California region only.

Monthly Payment Plan

Payment of all regular charges is due prior to the beginning of each semester by the due date on the Harvey Mudd College billing statement (full payment plan). However, annual charges may be paid in 10 monthly installments. The first installment is due in July, and the final installment is due the following April. Applications for the monthly payment plan are due in June, and there is a service charge of $10 per month ($50 per semester). Use of the monthly payment plan is a privilege that may be revoked for just cause.

Financial Aid

Harvey Mudd College offers a comprehensive program of scholarships, grants, loans, and work from the College, federal, and state governments, and from other sources to assist students and parents in paying the cost of attending Harvey Mudd College.

The College is committed to its need-blind admission policy for domestic students and guarantees that it will meet 100 percent of the demonstrated financial need of each applicant as determined by the CSS Profile and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) applications.

Approximately 70 percent of the families with students attending Harvey Mudd College receive need-based or non-need based financial assistance in the form of scholarships, grants, work-study, and/or loan funds. Approximately 61 percent receive scholarship assistance directly from Harvey Mudd College.

One of the primary goals of the financial aid staff is to inform prospective students and parents, as well as current students and parents, of the various financial aid programs available to assist families with educational costs. For information, consult “Admission & Financial Aid” on the Harvey Mudd website ( or contact the Office of Financial Aid with questions at 909.621.8055.