Dec 03, 2024
CLES101 HM - Climate Dynamics Credit(s): 3
Instructor(s): Kavassalis
Offered: Fall
Description: This course will address the physical and chemical processes that govern Earth’s climate. We will develop a theoretical understanding of atmospheric and oceanic dynamics and how they intersect to create our climate system. Students will learn to build small-scale climate models and work with modern datasets, including paleoclimate archives, satellite observations, and climate reanalysis products to support that theoretical understanding.
Prerequisite(s): One course in chemistry (CHEM042 HM or CHEM014L KS or CHEM034L KS or CHEM001A PO) and one course in computer science (CSCI005 HM or CSCI 004 PZ or CSCI 051P PO or CSCI 040 CM or DS 001 SC) and one course in calculus (MATH019 HM or MATH030 CM/PO/PZ/SC) and one course in mechanics (PHYS024 HM or PHYS030L KS or PHYS033L KS or PHYS071 PO or PHYS125 PO) and one course addressing thermodynamics (CHEM051 HM or ENGR082 HM or PHYS117 HM )