Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Student Handbook 
2024-2025 Student Handbook

Campus Policies

The policies in this section derive from federal, state and local laws and regulations. These policies may only be modified by representatives of the College. If the College fails to enforce these policies, it may be subject to fines and penalties, including, in some cases, loss of federal financial aid or federal funding for research.

It is the responsibility of all HMC students to abide by these policies. Violations of these policies will result in charges being brought to the Disciplinary Board or Judiciary Board chairs. Should the Honor Board fail to enforce these policies in a responsible manner, the College reserves the right to assign appropriate penalties.

Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy

  1. Introduction:  Harvey Mudd College strives to maintain an environment that promotes the health and safety of the community and the responsible choices and behaviors of its members concerning the use of alcohol. The College recognizes that the consumption of alcohol in moderation by persons of legal drinking age can be a component of the social environment at the College. Therefore, students of legal drinking age are granted the privilege of responsible alcohol use on campus. The College expects students to conduct themselves in a moderate and responsible manner and in accord with the law and College policy at all times. The College complies with all federal, state and local laws and regulations governing the possession, use, sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs and controlled substances by all members of the Harvey Mudd College community. The influence of alcohol or other drugs is not an excuse for unacceptable and irresponsible behavior and will not be seen as a mitigating factor in any proceeding to resolve alleged violations of College policy.
  2. High-risk Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention Program:  In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Regulations, Harvey Mudd College has developed this High-risk Alcohol and Drug Use Prevention Program Guide (hmc.edu/institutional-research/higher-education-opportunity-act-heoa). HMC electronically provides a copy of the AOD Guide as part of its Student Handbook, which is distributed to all students each August. HMC’s AOD Guide includes the College’s policies as well as guidelines to help students understand expectations for behavior and principles of collaborative enforcement.
  3. Standard of Conduct Governing Alcoholic Beverages and Other Drugs
    1. The State of California prohibits the use, possession and purchase of alcohol by individuals under the age of 21 and the use of alcohol in public by all people, regardless of age. As required by law, HMC has established the following policies regarding alcohol use on campus and at HMC-sponsored events off campus:
      1. Possession or use of alcohol in public is prohibited. Public locations include all grounds and dormitory exteriors, except those areas designated for approved parties.
      2. Events involving drinking games and/or promoting binge drinking are prohibited.
      3. Alcoholic beverages may not be served on HMC property or at any HMC event where persons under 21 years of age are present, unless written approval has been granted by the associate dean for campus life and a plan assuring compliance with the law is registered.
      4. HMC events are defined as any on-campus event. In addition, those off-campus events that may be identified as being an activity of the College will also be governed by state law and College policy.
      5. Students are responsible for abiding by the California alcohol laws and College policy. Failure to abide by the law or College policy will result in disciplinary sanctions.
    2. Federal and state laws govern actions by all members of the Harvey Mudd College community. As required by law, HMC has established the following policies regarding the possession and use of drugs that are consistent with the federal and state laws governing drug use:
      1. The use, sale, manufacture, possession or distribution (providing, sharing, jointly purchasing, purchasing for others or otherwise making available) of all forms of illegal drugs, including edibles and drinkables, is prohibited.
      2. The use, sale or distribution of legally prescribed medication for use in a manner in which the medication was not intended (including use by someone other than the person to whom the medication was prescribed) is prohibited.
      3. Medical Marijuana: Marijuana use on campus is prohibited in compliance with federal law. Documentation of medically prescribed marijuana does not exempt a student from this policy. A student who qualifies for medical use under California’s Compassionate Use Act should speak with the assistant dean for residential life regarding their option to live off campus.
      4. The display of drug paraphernalia, regardless of whether the item has an alternate legal use, is not permitted.
    3. Dry Week
      In order to allow new students time to acclimate to the College community, the Dry Week policy is in effect for each and every student the moment they arrive on campus for the fall semester and ends on Saturday, Sept. 3, at 6 p.m. (Other campuses may have different ending times.) During this time, students are not permitted to consume alcohol anywhere on the 5-C campuses. It is an Honor Code violation to do so. As decided by ASHMC, Dry Week begins for Summer Institute students when they arrive on campus.

      Being “dry” means alcohol may not be consumed on campus. If alcohol is consumed elsewhere (in strict moderation, by people over age 21) and behavior upon return to campus is not disorderly, disruptive or does not involve associating with first-year students, it is considered acceptable for Dry Week. A modified form of Dry Week applies to the Admitted Student Program in spring.

Assistance Animal Policy

Harvey Mudd College recognizes the importance of “service animals” as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the broader category of “assistance animals” under the Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA), in providing physical and/or emotional support to individuals with disabilities.

Non-caged animals are generally not allowed in the Harvey Mudd College residence halls. However, HMC permits Service Animals and Emotional Support Animals in on-campus housing as a reasonable accommodation to ensure full participation and equal access to the College’s programs and activities for individuals with disabilities. Given the logistical considerations of having an animal on campus, specific processes are required to ensure safe and healthy interactions between the animal, the owner and the campus constituencies. The Assistant Dean of Accessible Education facilitates this process, in collaboration with the student and additional administrative offices, as needed. More information is available about Assistance Animals through the Office of Accessible Education website or by contacting access@g.hmc.edu.

Bullying and Cyber-bullying Policy

Bullying and cyber-bullying are repeated and/or severe aggressive behaviors that intimidate or intentionally harm or control another person physically or emotionally. Bullying and cyber-bullying are not permitted at Harvey Mudd College. Students are encouraged to speak to a member of the student affairs staff or report to the DB chair if they believe they are experiencing of bullying or cyber-bullying.

Dining Hall and Meal Plan

With the exception of residents living in the Atwood efficiencies or Linde, or non-frosh living in Sontag or Drinkward suites, all students living on campus must be enrolled in one of the three meal plans. The meal plan options involve Board Plus dollars—a set amount of dollars available for your use at any Claremont College dining hall or retail site. The choices are 16 meals and $16 Plus per week, 12 meals and $12 Plus per week and 8 meals and $8 Plus per week. Changes in the meal plan can be made through the Office of Student Accounts during the first week of the semester. Additional money may be loaded onto a student’s ID/meal card as Claremont Cash. This creates a debit card that can be used at dining halls, the Huntley Bookstore and selected locations in the Claremont Village. The money on the card cannot be withdrawn as cash. Money may be loaded at the Claremont Card Center at the south entrance of Honnold/Mudd Library or online at http://cards.cuc.claremont.edu.

  1. Hoch-Shanahan Dining Hall Regulations
    1. All students must present a valid meal card upon entering the dining hall.
    2. If the card is lost or invalidated, students must visit the Claremont Card Center located inside the south entrance of Honnold/Mudd Library within the next two meals to revalidate the card or obtain a temporary card. Failure to do so will result in not being allowed to eat the third consecutive meal without first going to the office.
    3. Meal cards are not transferable. Students must use their own meal cards, although Board Plus dollars can be used to purchase meals for guests. Information on hours and menus may be found at the Dining Services website: hmcdining.com.

Discrimination, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy

Harvey Mudd College is committed to providing a non-discriminatory and harassment-free educational, living, and working environment for all members of the HMC community, including students, faculty, administrators, staff, and visitors. The College will not tolerate sex-based harassment or other forms of prohibited conduct. The Title IX Grievance Process prohibits all forms of sexual or gender-based harassment, discrimination, and other misconduct, including non-consensual sexual contact, non-consensual sexual penetration, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence, and stalking.


Consistent with state and federal law, reasonable accommodation will be provided to persons with disabilities and women who are pregnant and/or to accommodate religious practices.

For more information about Title IX, refer to the College’s web page and full policy at hmc.edu/student-life/title-IX.

Fire Policy

  1. Fire Safety Equipment
    When fire alarms sound in the residence halls, residents must evacuate immediately. Tampering with the fire safety equipment (e.g., fire extinguishers, smoke detectors or fire alarm boxes) in the residence halls is a misdemeanor in the state of California. Covering, tampering with or disabling smoke or heat detectors is dangerous and unlawful and will result in Disciplinary Board (DB)/Judiciary Board (JB) charges. If students notice that a smoke or heat detector has been covered, tampered with or disabled, they must immediately contact the Office of Facilities and Maintenance (F&M) in order to avoid DB charges and fines.
  2. Fire Hazards
    Candles, incense, open flames and flammable liquids or gases are not allowed in the residence halls due to the hazards of fires. Birthday and Hanukkah candles are permitted if safely lit, constantly monitored and quickly extinguished.

    According to the fire inspector, only one container of lighter fluid per barbecue may be stored in a dorm. College-owned wood pallets or other materials may only be used with permission from F&M.
  3. Registered Fires
    People who start a fire or participate in the burning of something outside the guidelines below will be referred to DB/JB. Excessive clean up of fires will follow normal DAC/F&M excessive-cleanup procedures.

    Fires on campus must be registered with and approved by the Division of Student Affairs and the Los Angeles County Fire Department. To register a fire, a student needs to complete an event registration for student affairs. After being approved by student affairs, the student must then take the form to the local fire station (Station 101) to obtain a fire permit, which fire station personnel may or may not grant. Upon receiving a permit from the fire station, proof of the permit (in the form of a copy) must be provided to student affairs.

    Campus Safety and College officials use the following guidelines to determine whether a courtyard fire is safe and non-damaging. The fire:
    1. is fully contained (nothing hanging over the sides) in a barbecue grill fire pit that is elevated more than 6 inches off the ground and that is a maximum of 9 square feet in area and a minimum of 12 inches deep;
    2. does not throw sparks or threaten anything nearby;
    3. does not burn anything that gives off toxic gases, such as plastics or couches, or that can explode, such as aerosol cans;
    4. does not have wood or fuel for the fire that exceeds 2 feet tall;
    5. is constantly monitored by a trained fire watch with the building’s fire extinguisher and a garden hose connected to a water supply;
    6. is completely extinguished by the last person to leave the fire, and;
    7. is in compliance with the fire code, as determined by the Los Angeles County Fire Inspector.

Hazing Policy

Hazing can be psychologically and/or physically harmful to individuals, can damage organizations and teams, and undermines the educational mission and values of Harvey Mudd College. Hazing is strictly prohibited by College policy and California state law. No student, College employee, volunteer, student organization or athletic team shall conduct or condone hazing activities. Students are encouraged to speak to a member of the student affairs staff or report to the DB chair if they have knowledge of hazing or potential hazing activities.

California Penal Code, Section 245.6

  1. It shall be unlawful to engage in hazing, as defined in this section.
  2. “Hazing” means any method of initiation or pre-initiation into a student organization or student body, whether or not the organization or body is officially recognized by an educational institution, which is likely to cause serious bodily injury to any former, current or prospective student of any school, community college, college, university or other educational institution in this state. The term “hazing” does not include customary athletic events or school-sanctioned events.
  3. A violation of this section that does not result in serious bodily injury is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100), nor more than five thousand dollars ($5,000), or imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year, or both.
  4. Any person who personally engages in hazing that results in death or serious bodily injury, as defined in paragraph (4) of subdivision (f) of Section 243 of the Penal Code, is guilty of either a misdemeanor or a felony and shall be punished by imprisonment in county jail not exceeding one year or by imprisonment in the state prison.
  5. The person against whom the hazing is directed may commence a civil action for injury or damages. The action may be brought against any participants in the hazing, or any organization to which the student is seeking membership, whose agents, directors, trustees, managers or officers authorized, requested, commanded, participated in or ratified the hazing.

Hate Crimes and Bias-related Incident Protocol

  1. Hate Crime
    A hate crime is a criminal act that is committed against the person or property of another because of the other person’s actual or perceived race, ethnicity, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender identity or expression and/or sexual orientation. Hate crimes also include any such crimes committed against the property of a public agency or private institution—including educational facilities and advocacy groups—because the property of the agency or institution is identified or associated with a person or group of an identifiable race, ethnicity, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender and/or sexual orientation.
  2. Bias-related Incident
    Bias-related incidents are expressions of hostility against another individual (or group) because of the other person’s (or group’s) race, ethnicity, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability, gender identity and/or expression and/or sexual orientation, or because the perpetrator perceives that the other person (or group) has one or more of these characteristics. Depending on the circumstances, a bias-related incident may not be a crime and may be protected speech. Circumstances will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine whether the activity and/or behavior is considered “protected” by the First Amendment.
  3. Free Speech
    Both the California Constitution and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution protect the right to free expression. Free speech laws can protect many forms of seemingly “hateful” and intolerant speech and expressive conduct, including that which occurs during such common College activities as debates, speeches, arguments, conversations, classroom discussions, lectures, distribution of fliers and displaying of posters. In certain contexts, courts have found to be protected certain speech and expressive conduct that many in our community would find repugnant. Such speech and expressive conduct, however, may be inconsistent with the College’s community values, and it may present an opportunity for open dialogue, debate and better understanding of the scope of protected speech and the role of tolerance in a community. Circumstances will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis to determine whether the activity and/or behavior is considered “protected” by the First Amendment.
  4. Responding to Hate Crimes and Bias-related Incidents:
    Bias-related incidents need to be addressed because they reinforce the status quo, harm individuals, undermine civility and understanding in the HMC community and/or impede the educational process. Public discussion and education can promote awareness of prejudice and examination of the values that underlie the HMC community.
    • All hate crimes and bias-related incidents should be reported immediately to the on-call AD or to DSA.
    • Although hateful messages on such things as fliers, posters, email, answering machines, dry erase boards and graffiti are often disturbing, it is helpful to preserve them as evidence and not to disrupt or remove anything that could help identify the source and/or targets or other affected persons. Photos of the evidence should be taken and given to the associate vice president for student affairs for investigation purposes.
    • When a hate crime or a bias-related incident is reported to DSA, the vice president for student affairs/dean of students will inform the president.
    • In appropriate circumstances, the incident should also be reported to Campus Safety and law enforcement agencies.
    • If a particular student has been targeted, DSA and Campus Safety will assist the student in documenting the event and will explain the options for addressing what has occurred.
    • If the incident is a crime, the student will be assisted in contacting the police. If the incident involves the violation of a College policy, the procedures for investigation and resolution under that policy will be undertaken.
    • DSA will try to ensure that the affected student feels safe in their residential environment and will, if appropriate, adjust campus housing and change course schedules.
    • DSA will offer assistance in arranging counseling or other forms of support, including the campus escort service or help in initiating mediation between the affected student and the offender.
    • Students who have been the target of such an incident have many support resources available. Such resources include the Office of Institutional Diversity, the Office of Student Health and Wellness, Monsour Counseling Center, the EmPOWER Center, the Office of Black Student Affairs, the Asian American Resource Center, Chicano/Latino Student Affairs, the Queer Resource Center, the chaplaincy, proctors, mentors and peer advocates.
    • When hate crimes and bias-related incidents occur on campus, they can strain the fabric of the community. DSA will consider what sort of communication about the incident is appropriate, taking into account various interests such as personal safety and confidentiality.

Hoverboard Policy

  1. Safety risks and California state law:
    Lithium ion batteries in hoverboards have reportedly caused explosions and fires. Assembly Bill 604 (AB 604, Olsen) regulates the use of hoverboards.
    This law:
    1. Prohibits the operation of an electrically motorized board upon a highway while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage or any drug, or under the combined influence of an alcoholic beverage and any drug;
    2. Requires the operator of an electrically motorized board to wear a helmet while operating an electrically motorized board upon a highway, bikeway or any other public bicycle path, sidewalk or trail;
    3. Requires electrically motorized boards to be equipped with safety equipment, as specified in Section 3, 21293, and restricts the operation speed of electrically motorized boards.
  2. Hoverboard usage and storage:
    HMC students wishing to operate and/or store hoverboards on campus must adhere to the following safety regulations:
    1. Students may not charge hoverboards when they are not able to observe the boards (e.g., while asleep or while away from the board).
    2. Students must charge and store hoverboards in open, dry areas away from combustibles.
    3. Students must not charge hoverboards directly after riding. The device must cool for an hour before charging.
    4. Students must adhere to local, state and federal laws as they pertain to hoverboards. Students are encouraged to review campus (e.g., academic labs), local and state policies that address hoverboards and to stay up to date on developing legal requirements and safety recommendations from standard-setting organizations like Consumer Product Safety Commission or Underwriters Laboratories.
    5. Students are encouraged to wear safety gear when operating a hoverboard.

Information Technology Policies

Guidelines for Use of Campus Information Technology Resources (revised 2008) To further the College’s mission, Harvey Mudd College makes computing and network resources available to all students, faculty and staff. These resources should be used appropriately in accordance with the College’s educational mission and in a manner consistent with its standards of conduct.

Student use of information technology resources is governed by The Claremont Colleges Policy Regarding Appropriate Use of Campus Computing and Network Resources, available online at cuc.claremont.edu/it/appropriateuse.asp. Please read the policy carefully.

The computing and network resources of the College may not be used for commercial purposes without the explicit approval of the chief information officer, the Harvey Mudd College Computing Committee or the Harvey Mudd College treasurer. Here are general guidelines to consider when using College information technology resources.

  1. Students are responsible for all activities on their accounts. Students are responsible for the data stored, the messages sent and any actions taken from that account. Do not “share” accounts. Students are encouraged to create strong passwords for accounts and change them regularly.
  2. Respect the privacy and rights of others. Do not read, copy or modify files belonging to others (including system files and software) without the owner’s explicit permission.
  3. The network is a shared and finite resource. Student use of computing and network systems should not interfere unreasonably with the activities of other users.
  4. Students are encouraged to express their opinions via electronic media. However, individuals’ opinions must be clearly labeled as such and should be expressed in a manner consistent with the College’s Standards of Conduct.
  5. Students also should be aware that there are federal, state and local laws which govern certain aspects of computer and telecommunications use. Members of the College community are expected to respect these laws.
  6. The following annual disclosure is provided as part of the College’s compliance with the requirements of the Higher Education Opportunity Act:
    1. Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material, including unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, may subject the students to civil and criminal liabilities.
    2. Summary of Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws:
      Copyright infringement is the act of exercising, without permission or legal authority, one or more of the exclusive rights granted to the copyright owner under section 106 of the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the United States Code). These rights include the right to reproduce or distribute a copyrighted work. In the file-sharing context, downloading or uploading substantial parts of a copyrighted work without authority constitutes an infringement.
      Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. For details, see Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504, 505.Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense. For more information, please see the website of the U.S. Copyright Office at copyright.gov, especially their FAQs at copyright.gov/help/faq.
    3. The College pursues a vigorous program of accepting and responding to Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) notices. If the College receives notification of unauthorized file sharing of intellectual property (e.g., software, music, video), College personnel will notify the alleged offending user. Failure to comply with this notification within 24 hours may result in the user’s access to the network being restricted. Repeat offenses may lead to further disciplinary action.
    4. A comprehensive list of legal sources of online content can be found at http://goo.gl/dsRKe.
  7. When there is evidence of inappropriate use of campus computing or networking resources, authorized College personnel will take steps to investigate. This may include monitoring traffic on the network, including its contents, and examining files on any system which has connected to the HMC network.
  8. If desired, students may connect their own computer to the HMC network in their dorm room to offer computing resources on the network. Such students are responsible for the resources offered and must register the resources.

    Violations of appropriate use may result in one or more of the following actions:
    1. A written warning to the offender.
    2. A restriction on the hours available to access a system for a specific term.
    3. A revocation of system access for a specific term.
    4. A statement of charges to the appropriate disciplinary body at the student’s home college.

Questions regarding the appropriate use of computing and network resources at Harvey Mudd College should be directed to either the chief information officer or the Harvey Mudd College Computing Committee.


Official Policy as adopted by ASHMC Council

As of August 24, 2020

Students-L (​students@g.hmc.edu​) is an all-campus mailing list that accepts messages from The Claremont Colleges community. While it is primarily intended for students, anyone who has signed the Harvey Mudd College roster may subscribe. Anyone else who wishes to subscribe must petition the ASHMC Senate to subscribe.

One or more students are appointed by ASHMC to be the Students-L Moderator. The moderator has final authority to send or reject any messages sent to the list but is not responsible for the content of messages. Senders should treat mail sent to Students-L as if it were a flier to be placed in every student’s mailbox.

Emails sent to Students-L must be potentially useful to all students of the College. If the email is for an event, it must include information about who is involved, what is happening, when and where the event is held, and a brief description of the event. Announcements should be sent no fewer than three days in advance of events. Last minute announcements may be rejected. No more than two messages may be sent for an event: one more than a week prior to the event and one within the week of the event. Emails for non-events will be held to similar standards. Additional messages are not allowed and will not be approved. For a regularly occurring series of campus-wide events, only one email per week is allowed. Club announcements may only be sent out at the beginning of the year, upon chartering, or for special campus-wide events. For all other purposes, clubs should maintain their own mailing lists.

Some messages sent to Students-L will be compiled into a weekly digest email by the Moderator. These messages include those sent from non-HMC emails, Lost and Found items, and ISOs (In Search Ofs). Senders should consider the additional delay these messages will face.

Some messages do not belong on Students-L. These include, but are not limited to, messages directed at a small number of students, opinions, discussions, paid promotional messaging, and chain letters.

The Students-L Moderator is not responsible for fixing formatting errors or correcting mistakes. However, they may–at their discretion–modify subject lines, email content, or reach out to senders to ask for a revised version.

Students-L is moderated for the benefit of the student body. Emails sent to Students-L will enter a moderation queue. During the academic year, the Students-L Moderator will review and send queued messages at least twice a day: once in the morning and once in the evening. During the summer and winter breaks, the Moderator will review the queue at least once a week. Senders should plan to send their messages with enough time to account for these delays. If the Moderator rejects an email, they will inform the sender and may provide a reason for this rejection. If a message is rejected, senders can revise and resubmit.

Except as described below (​Official Students​), it is strictly forbidden to bypass Students-L moderation and send emails to the entire student body. If a message needs to be sent to more than roughly half the student body, it should be sent to Students-L. More specifically, senders should not send emails to more than two graduating classes or more than half of the dorms. Additionally, senders should not send calendar invites to Students-L or use Google Forms’s “Send Form” feature to send a form directly to Students-L as these bypass moderation. Coordinated campaigns by multiple individual senders to send messages to more than roughly half the student body through unmoderated lists is also prohibited. Abusing the privilege of mass mailing to the College is a violation of community trust, and student violators should self-report to the Disciplinary Board Chair (​db@hmc.edu​). In the spirit of the Honor Code, anyone can encourage a sender to self-report; however, to avoid flooding the sender with calls for self reports, people can ask the Moderator to contact the sender. Although the Honor Board system is student facing, staff and faculty are also expected to abide by this policy.

Official Students

Recognizing that certain messages are time sensitive or otherwise of high importance, certain members of the College’s administration can send emails to an unmoderated mailing list (​official-students@g.hmc.edu​) to which all students are subscribed. Messages sent to this list should be limited to those which meet the standards of urgency or importance. For the most part, the advertising of events does not meet this standard.

Official Community-I Policy

Community-L (​community-l@g.hmc.edu​) is an unmoderated list consisting of students, faculty, staff, and alumni of Harvey Mudd College. All students, staff, faculty, and alumni are able to subscribe to Community-L. Its primary goal is to provide an unmoderated forum for members of

the HMC community to converse freely about whatever issues may be on their minds. The fundamental concept of Community-L is that it is totally unmoderated such that anything someone chooses to send to the list will be sent to all subscribers. The hope is that the forum will be self-regulated to consist primarily of HMC-related issues, but it should be understood that tangents will spring up from time to time.

Community-L is not to be treated like the dorm chat lists. Simply because Community-L is unmoderated does not mean participants should not exercise restraint when posting to it. Participants should think about what they write.

Peers, professors, colleagues, and neighbors may potentially read these messages. By treating this forum with respect, participants will find the conversations rewarding. After much deliberation, it was decided that only people with an hmc.edu email address will be able to subscribe and send emails to Community-L. While this creates a minor inconvenience for people on campus who use alternate mail services, it was previously agreed that this inconvenience was worth the advantage of keeping Community-L a tight-knit community of Mudders. While there are members of the other Claremont Colleges who are practically members of the Mudd community due to the amount of time they spend here, their numbers are relatively small and excluding them is worth keeping Community-L from becoming an off-campus spam receptacle. Keep in mind, however, that there is no privacy guarantee. Anything sent to Community-L may be discussed by people on campus and possibly spread to people at the other Colleges. Those who do not want what they say to get around should not say it on Community-L.

Intimidation Policy

Intimidation includes intentionally directing verbal, written or electronic threats of violence or other threatening behavior(s) toward another person or group that reasonably leads the targeted person(s) to fear for their physical well-being. Intimidation also includes fear-inducing behavior(s) that deter or prevent the targeted person(s) from taking legitimate actions that they may otherwise take. Students are encouraged to speak to a member of the student affairs staff or report to the DB chair if they believe they are experiencing intimidation.

Weapons and All Forms of Explosives Policy

Harvey Mudd College is committed to providing a living and learning environment as free from violence or threats of violence as it possibly can, and to taking reasonable and appropriate steps to provide for the safety of the College’s students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Toward this end, this Policy prohibits all forms of violence or threats of violence and also generally prohibits the possession, use, or storage of any weapons or other dangerous items on the HMC campus.  

A. Weapons

Possessing, using, or storing weapons on campus or at off-campus College-sponsored activities, including storing or transporting weapons or dangerous items in private cars or storage containers located on College property, is prohibited. Weapons include, but are not limited to: all firearms, BB guns, pellet guns, projectile weapons, tasers and stun devices, slingshots, illegal knives (those with blades longer than 2.5 inches), inert mines, switchblades, and display or collectable weapons. It is also a violation of this Policy to use an item with a lawful purpose (i.e. scissors, kitchen knives, baseball bat) in a manner which could or does result in an act of violence or a threat of violence against another person.

This policy does not apply to the ROTC or P.E. departments, which may use otherwise-prohibited items as part of their courses.  A student using a weapon or replica weapon will not be in violation of this policy so long as the student is doing so as instructed by and under the supervision of their instructor.  Use of a prohibited item not in compliance with an instructor’s directives violates this policy.  Moreover, no prohibited item may be stored inside a Residence Hall regardless of whether the item is used for ROTC or P.E.

B. Artificial Weapons

Artificial, toy, or handmade play items resembling weapons must be decorated with bright colors so they can be identified from a distance as safe. Use of these items is limited to recreation in the residences and dorm courtyards. They are not permitted in academic or administrative areas of campus without advance approval from DSA. If one of these items is perceived as dangerous or intimidating by a member of the community, the vice president for student affairs/dean of students will ask the owner to remove it from public areas on campus.

C. Explosives 

Fireworks and all forms of explosives shall not be used or possessed anywhere on campus, except for the approved use of potentially explosive materials in campus laboratories. These prohibited materials include combustibles in containers, such as gasoline in cans and dry ice bombs. Students are reminded that California laws, Sections 12303.2 and 12312 of the Penal Code, establish stringent restrictions on these items.

Students should also be aware of the Claremont municipal code that pertains to these areas. That code can be found at Chapter 9.92 at http://www.qcode.us/codes/claremont/view.php?topic=9-viii-9_92

Medical Insurance

All enrolled students at Harvey Mudd are required to have health insurance, whether through their parent(s)/family or through The Claremont Colleges. Every student is automatically enrolled in The Claremont Colleges Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) at the beginning of the month immediately preceding the start of the academic year; it is the student’s responsibility to opt out of this coverage by providing proof of comparable coverage by the posted deadline. For more information about opting out of the Claremont Colleges Student Health Insurance Plan, please visit DSA’s deadlines checklist at hmc.edu/student-life/orientation/deadlines.

For students who participate in SHIP, Harvey Mudd College does not cover its costs with scholarship assistance. However, domestic students needing assistance in covering the associated cost are welcome to contact the Office of Financial Aid and request loan assistance. The full annual cost of SHIP will be applied to the student’s account in the fall semester.

Missing Student Notification Policy

  1. Emergency Contact Designation
    The purpose of this protocol is to establish procedures for the response to reports of missing students as required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008. This protocol applies to students who reside in campus housing.

    A residential student is officially “determined to be missing” when a missing person report investigation concludes that the student has been absent from the College for a period of 24 hours or longer without any known reason. Campus Safety, in conjunction with the assistant vice president for student affairs, will make the official determination of whether a student is deemed missing. All residential students have the opportunity to identify an individual or individuals to be contacted by the assistant vice president for student affairs no more than 24 hours after the time that the student is determined to be missing.
    1. Students age 18 and above and emancipated minors will be given the opportunity to designate a confidential individual or individuals to be contacted by the College no more than 24 hours after the time that the student is determined to be missing in accordance with the missing residential student procedure. A designation will remain in effect until changed or revoked by the student. Should the student not formally declare a separate missing person contact, the emergency contact on record will be notified. Students may update their missing person contact and their emergency contact information at any time by notifying DSA. This information will not be disclosed except to law enforcement personnel in furtherance of a missing person investigation or as required by law.
    2. Students under the age of 18 (not emancipated) determined to be missing will require that the College notify a custodial parent or guardian, in addition to the student’s designated contact, no more than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing.
  2. Missing Residential Student Investigation
    If any member of the Harvey Mudd College community has reason to believe that a student may be missing, they should immediately notify DSA at 909.621.8125 (Monday–Friday, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.) or Campus Safety at 909.607.2000 (24 hours a day). The College will immediately initiate an investigation into any report of a missing person. If a student is determined to have been missing for 24 hours, the College and/or Campus Safety will notify the appropriate law enforcement agency and initiate the notification of appropriate emergency contacts.

Name and Gender Change Policy

The HMC community strives to identify students as they identify themselves. To request assistance with such changes, refer to the Name and Gender Policy and additional resources available on the OID web page: hmc.edu/diversity/resources-for-transgender-students.

Party Policy

All gatherings that exceed 20 people where alcohol is present are considered parties. All parties must be registered by someone who is 21 years of age or older with the Office of Campus Life a minimum of two weeks prior to the intended party. The social chairs are required to facilitate a Party Planning Seminar at the beginning of each semester. During the seminar, rules and regulations for parties are distributed. Only those who attended the seminar or have otherwise been approved by the social chairs may register a party. There are specific regulations and limits depending on the type of party being hosted. These regulations are outlined in the Social Handbook and communicated at the Party Planning Seminar and again when a party is registered. Students who host parties without proper registration and approval or who violate the party regulations should self-report or be reported to the DB chair.

Types of parties that can be registered include:

  • Private party (60 people or fewer)
  • Mudd-only party (61–100 people)
  • 2-C party (maximum of 250 people)
  • 3-C party (maximum of 350 people)
  • 5-C party (maximum of 500 people)

Physical Harm Policy

Harvey Mudd College does not tolerate any form of physical harm by any member of the College community occurring on or off campus. Any student who violates the physical harm policy must self-report or be reported to the DB chair. Physical harm includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Inflicting bodily harm upon any person;
  2. Taking any action for the purpose of inflicting harm upon any person;
  3. Threatening to use force upon any person.

Pranks Policy

Students at Harvey Mudd College have established a history of practical (and not so practical) jokes collectively referred to as “pranks.” Some pranks are one-time events, while others recur traditionally every year. Pranks are a regular feature of the HMC culture but are not common at the other Claremont Colleges. Students run the risk of civil/ criminal/campus judicial prosecution if they take or use property owned by the other campuses in the course of a prank.

Students planning a prank must be aware that public art is off-limits for pranking. Also, access to building roofs, fires and explosives are not permitted as components of a prank. All pranks should comply with the fire code. For example, the following are prohibited:

  • Locking others in rooms
  • Blocking off a courtyard area
  • Any other prank which does not leave at least two unobstructed exits from any area

Students who plan pranks that involve campus facilities or equipment should seek approval from the Senior Director for Facilities in advance. As a result, when the prank is discovered, Campus Safety and the College administration can verify the legitimacy of the activity and not disturb the prank. Pranksters should also leave a phone number and name at the site so that those with questions or concerns can direct them effectively. 

Individuals will be held responsible for any circumstances that are the result of a prank, including financial, time or academic commitments. Pranks that are deemed unsafe or that disrupt the business of the College will be reversed immediately. Pranks must be reversed by the prankster within 24 hours of notification to do so.  Regarding traditional campus-wide pranks, if residents of a specific group or class year are pranked, it is up to the pranksters to reverse the prank, not those being pranked. Failure to do so by the pranksters will result in referral to the Judicial or Disciplinary Board chair for violating the HMC Honor Code.

Pranking Protocol

(The following passages are excerpted from a statement written by Robb Walters ‘01 and approved by the Dormitory Affairs Committee of ASHMC, September 2000)

“Pranking really has few rules. The most important of these rules is that each prank must be reversible. This rule is widely thought to be a sufficient safeguard against pranks getting out of hand. It does provide a simple way to rule out many bad ideas, but it is not enough to ensure that all pranks will be seen as fun and harmless by all of the involved parties. The problem is that no prank is reversible if someone feels violated or offended. It may be only a small minority that would respond negatively to a given prank, but it is important for the rest of us to respect the right of those students to a non-hostile school environment. Hazing is illegal and is not tolerated by the College.

“The only way to do this is to put more emphasis on consent. This means that we need to establish guidelines to ensure that everyone who is on the receiving end of a prank has given their consent and is comfortable with the activity. The specific pranks of “whirling” and “showering” already have a strict consent arrangement. A person may stop the prank at any time at their discretion. It would be an Honor Code violation to continue against someone’s will. We have extended a similar arrangement to all pranks on campus.

“We recognize that many pranks would be ruined if you had to ask those people whom you wished to prank for permission in advance. The element of surprise would disappear, taking the entertainment value of the prank with it. The solution to this problem is to obtain consent in advance. Everyone will implicitly give consent in advance to all pranks. Exceptions to this blanket consent need to be filed with the proctor of the dorm where the person lives. If you want to prank someone, you will be responsible for getting up-to-date information on whether the person you wish to prank has given their consent. This information will be available from the proctor of the dorm where the person lives. If you intentionally or unintentionally prank someone who has withdrawn their consent, you will be referred to the Judicial or Disciplinary Board chair for violating the HMC Honor Code. With specific respect to pranks involving unauthorized entry, it is permitted to prank the roommate of a student on the no-prank list unless that person has specified “No entry.”

If you put your name on the no-prank list, you must not participate in pranks; if you put your name on the list only for a specific item, you are not completely prohibited from pranking others. You just may not prank that item of others. Participation in a prank when you are on the no-prank list is considered an Honor Code violation. You also cannot join the list to avoid retaliation for a prank you participated in.

“Faculty and staff will not be participating in this system. If you plan on pulling a prank that will affect one of these HMC community members, it is strongly recommended that you discuss your plans with the Division of Student Affairs in advance.”

Political Campaigning


Only registered student organizations may use college facilities and property to host an event on behalf of a political candidate or party.  This includes forums, tabling, etc.  This applies to activities relating to any political candidate, whether domestic or foreign.

Public Posting Policy

  1. HMC Posting:  Posters, signs, and banners serve an important purpose on campus. They communicate upcoming events and activities and disseminate information on important issues. All posting must comply with the guidelines set forth in this policy. Publicity relating to an alcoholic event requires the approval of student affairs and may be denied approval if it does not comply with the guidelines set forth in “Content.” All posting must comply with the following specifications. Any posting for an alcoholic event must comply with the social posting policy given in the Party Planning Seminar packet as well as this policy.
  2. Placement
    1. 1.  Posting is not allowed on doors, windows, light fixtures, personal property, the ground or any other nonpermanent structure, unless the owner/resident agrees to the postering.

      2.  All posters need stamped approval by DSA prior to duplication. Stamping allows for 5-College posting as well.

      3.  Publicity may not be placed on top of other publicity.

      4.  Platt Campus Center: Posting is allowed on the south-facing wall on the east side of Platt and on bulletin boards only. There is no posting allowed in the Platt courtyard. Fliers may not be stuffed into student mailboxes.

      5.  Posting is not allowed on the west end of Platt or the interiors and exteriors of the academic buildings.

      6.  Chalking must be approved in advance by the Office of Campus Life in DSA and the senior director of facilities and maintenance.

      7.  Hoch-Shanahan Dining Commons: Posting is allowed on the north-facing wall on the east side of the building, on bulletin boards and on the inside tables only. There is no posting allowed in the courtyard and no posting on any walls west of the entrance doors. Posting on the donor wall is not allowed.

      8.  Academic and administrative areas: Posting is allowed on bulletin boards only. Permission to post publicity must be granted by the academic department where the bulletin boards are located.

      9.  Any publicity not adhering to this section may be removed by anyone.
  3. Content
    1. Publicity may not contain any reference to alcohol, drugs or violence.
    2. Publicity must not advertise events that restrict attendance on the basis of age, race, religion, color, disability, sex (gender or gender identity), sexual orientation, national origin, ethnic origin or political affiliation.
    3. All publicity must contain, on each separate poster, the contact name of one individual and the means by which to contact them. Allowable contact information includes dorm name and room number, telephone number or email address. If publicity does not contain contact information, it may be removed immediately by anyone.
  4. Cleanup
    1. Publicity removal is the responsibility of the organizing party that initially posted the publicity and must be done in a timely manner. Chalking may require power washing for removal. Those expenses will be charged to the hosting party.
    2. Posters may not be removed before the end of an event unless done so by the organizing party or deemed offensive and removed under the guidelines stated under poster removal.
    3. After the event has concluded, publicity may be removed by anyone.
  5. Offensive Publicity
    While it is not the intention of the HMC student body to post offensive posters, it may happen from time to time due to differences in personal taste, opinion or background. If a poster is thought to be offensive, it may be removed using the poster removal guidelines stated below. Moreover, any poster that does not meet the requirements listed under “Content” may also be removed under these guidelines. Election posters are not exempt from this policy.
  6. Poster Removal
    1. Only one of each offensive poster may be removed.
    2. The individual given on the poster should be contacted using their given contact information. At this time, if the individual approves the removal of the publicity, all of the offensive publicity may be removed. If the individual cannot be contacted in a timely manner or the offended party wishes to remain anonymous, the Disciplinary Board chair, Judiciary Board chair, social chair or student affairs staff should be contacted. The board chair or DSA should then attempt to contact the individual given in the contact information on behalf of the offended party. The removed poster should be taken to the party contacted as evidence of its offensive nature.
    3. If the individual cannot be contacted or does not approve of the removal of the publicity, the poster should then be taken either to the Disciplinary Board chair, Judiciary Board chair or Social Committee chair (in that order, if possible). If the chair approves the removal of the publicity, all offensive publicity may be taken down at that time.
    4. If no board chair is able to be contacted within 24 hours by email, telephone or in person, the publicity may be taken to student affairs, in which case DSA may approve the removal of the offensive posters.
    5. If either individual is not satisfied with the outcome and wishes to pursue the matter, a Disciplinary Board charge may be filed.
    6. Once the publicity is determined to be offensive and has been removed, it may not be reposted.
    7. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in Disciplinary Board action.
  7. Five-College Posting
    Each of the 5-College campuses has individual poster policies. It is each student’s responsibility to visit the HMC Division of Student Affairs for stamped approval prior to posting. Publicity should only be posted in approved locations. In addition, these conditions apply:
    1. Alcohol and other controlled substances may not be advertised explicitly or implicitly, in printed or pictorial form or through innuendo.
    2. Multi-college events are private functions, and they may not be advertised off campus.
    3. Names of sponsoring organizations or groups must appear on advertising.
    4. The Claremont Colleges reserve the right to remove any advertising that does not comply with the above regulations.
    5. Duct tape is not allowed at most of the 5-Cs. For the complete posting policy, please see the dean of campus life.

Roofs Policy

Students are not allowed to access any campus building roof. Students are not permitted to temporarily or permanently place items on roofs. Because of the threat to individual safety and the potential damage to the integrity of the roof, violators will be held financially responsible for any damage and must self-report or be reported to the DB chair.

Sharps Disposal

Safely manage your sharps waste. State law (H&SC §118286) makes it illegal to dispose of home-generated sharps waste (hypodermic needles, pen needles, intravenous needles, lancets and other devices that are used to penetrate the skin for the delivery of medications) in the trash or recycling containers and requires that all sharps waste be transported to a collection center in a sharps container approved by the local enforcement agency. The proper way to dispose of sharps waste is to:

  • Use state-approved sharps containers.
  • Check availability at the county-designated distribution sites or ask your pharmacist or doctor.
  • Keep your sharps containers out of reach of children and pets.
  • When your sharps container is about 3/4 full, seal it securely.
  • Bring your filled sharps container to a designated collection site for proper disposal.
  • The city of Claremont Sanitation Division and Senior Program offer a free sharps disposal program to the residents of Claremont, which includes HMC students. The proper way to dispose of sharps is in an approved sharps container.
  • Containers are available to HMC students at the Joslyn Center, located at 660 N. Mountain Ave., between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Full containers may be returned to the Joslyn Center for disposal, and an empty container will be provided.
  • For more information regarding sharps disposal, please contact the Joslyn Center at 909.399.5488.
  • More information regarding Sharps Disposal in California can be found at calrecycle.ca.gov/homehazwaste/sharps/


Students may use skateboards as a mode of transportation around The Claremont Colleges. However, due to the danger to others and potential damage to facilities, Campus Safety will stop anyone who is performing stunts, jumps or tricks. Skateboarding inside the academic and administrative buildings is not allowed.

Smoking Policy

Harvey Mudd College is committed to providing a safe and healthy working, living and learning environment for all members of the campus community. In keeping with its commitment and in consideration of the health risks associated with smoking and secondhand smoke, the College has adopted a Smoking Policy.

  1. Scope of Policy
    This policy applies to all students, faculty, staff and other persons on campus, regardless of the purpose for their visit, and to all College-owned or -leased facilities and vehicles.
  2. Definitions
    “Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted or heated cigar, cigarette or pipe, including a hookah pipe, or any other lighted or heated tobacco, plant or other product, intended for inhalation, in any manner or in any form. “Smoking” also includes the use of an e-cigarette that creates a vapor, in any manner or in any form, or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking in this policy.
  3. Policy
    1. Smoking is prohibited in any facility owned or leased by Harvey Mudd College regardless of location.
    2. Smoking is prohibited within 25 feet of an area that surrounds Harvey Mudd College-owned or-leased facilities, including entrances, exits, mechanical system air intake structures, and public and common areas for such facilities.
    3. Vehicles: Smoking is prohibited in any College-owned or -leased vehicle, including electric carts.
  4. Authority
    The president’s cabinet approved and adopted this policy July 2014.The State of California prohibits smoking in all public buildings and other enclosed areas of employment. Authority to issue this policy is based on California Labor Code Section 6404.5.
  5. Smoking Cessation Programs
    Additional information regarding programs available through HMC and Claremont Consortium for students, faculty and staff are identified below:
    The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health’s Tobacco Control and Prevention Program—Project TRUST (Tobacco Reduction Using Effective Strategies and Teamwork)—aims to further reduce smoking prevalence and decrease exposure to secondhand smoke, especially in disadvantaged communities, by implementing evidence-based policies and environmental change strategies that promote tobacco cessation and smoke-free environments. Find more information regarding their programs at 1.800.NO.BUTTS or laquits.com/quitting/get-help-quitting.
    • Students are encouraged to contact Claremont University Consortium, Student Health Services for programs or opportunities that may be available. For more information, contact Student Health Services at 909.621.8222 or cuc.claremont.edu/shs.
    • Faculty and staff are encouraged to contact their health provider or the Employee Assistance Program regarding programs and opportunities that may be available. For more information, contact human resources at 909.607.7937 or hmc.edu/human-resources/benefits.
  6. Accountability
    The success of this policy will depend on the thoughtfulness, consideration and cooperation of smokers and nonsmokers. All students, faculty and staff share in the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing this policy. Violations of the policy will be treated in accordance with general campus disciplinary procedures.
  7. Designated Smoking Areas
    There are five outdoor designated smoking areas (marked with signs) on campus: between the Parsons Engineering Building and Olin Building; between the Parsons Building and Shanahan Center; between Platt Campus Center and South Hall; between South Hall and North Hall; and in the area east of Linde and north of Case residence halls.

Stalking Policy

Stalking is a course of physical or verbal conduct directed at another individual that could be reasonably regarded as likely to alarm, harass, or cause fear of harm or injury to that person or to a third party. A course of conduct consists of at least two acts. The feared harm or injury maybe physical, emotional or psychological, or related to the personal safety, property, education or employment of that individual. Stalking is prohibited at HMC, and students are encouraged to speak to a member of the student affairs staff or report to the DB chair if they believe they are experiencing stalking. Gender-based stalking is a form of sexual misconduct and students should speak with the Title IX coordinator if they are experiencing gender-based stalking.

Soliciting Policy

The College does not allow solicitors, such as magazine salespeople, to enter the residence halls. The Division of Student Affairs can make exceptions to this policy in the case of nonprofit organizations, which must meet with a dean prior to soliciting. Students should immediately report solicitors to Campus Safety. Advertising for food delivery or other services may only be posted on bulletin boards in public areas of dorms and only when making an HMC student-initiated delivery to campus

Vehicle Regulations

All motor vehicles, including cars, trucks, motorcycles and scooters, must be registered with Campus Safety and must display parking permits during the school year. Only sophomores, juniors and seniors may bring motor vehicles to campus. First-year students are prohibited from bringing motor vehicles to campus and, as such, will not be granted a parking permit. Any exceptions must be approved by the assistant dean for residential life, in collaboration with the Office of Business Affairs, after careful consideration of the facts and circumstances and supporting documentation. It is expected that exceptions to the policy will be very limited and will be granted in compliance with the municipal code amendment to Chapter 16.069 Institutional Districts, Section 16.069.090 Parking.

  1. Permits cost $30 per semester for students living on campus and $20 per semester for students living off campus. The permit decal must be displayed on the lower windshield, passenger side; motorcycles should display the sticker on the front fork. Vehicles may also be registered at any time at the Campus Safety building.
  2. Any vehicle that does not display a valid parking permit will be ticketed and fined. After one unregistered vehicle ticket, the vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense. Violations of these regulations constitute violations of the Disciplinary Code and may be brought to the DB Chair.
  3. Vehicles that are improperly parked are also subject to citation and fines. Repeat violations will result in the vehicle being towed at the owner’s expense.
  4. A temporary permit, for use with a short-term rental or by a visitor, may be obtained from Campus Safety at no charge.
  5. Each year, the student must obtain a new sticker stating the year of registration. The sticker permits parking only in lots marked as HMC lots. HMC students enrolled in courses at the other Claremont Colleges—or living at one of the other colleges—can request permission to park in a student lot at another Claremont College. Approval is reserved for those with serious health or scheduling problems. Consult the vice president for student affairs/dean of students for details.
  6. Vehicles are not to be parked on the grass, on landscaped areas or in any interior area of campus at any time. Parking in fire lanes (red curb) and spaces reserved for individuals with disabilities (blue curb or wheelchair logo) is prohibited and strictly enforced by Campus Safety, the Claremont Police Department and the Los Angeles County Fire Department. Gasoline-powered scooters, mopeds or motorcycles cannot be parked or stored in student rooms or anywhere within the vicinity of a residence hall or campus building.
  7. To accommodate the parking needs of faculty and staff who work in various buildings on campus, and to manage the potential impacts on surrounding neighborhoods, HMC has designated certain parking areas on campus for faculty and staff only, or student, faculty and staff as illustrated in the Parking Designation Plan: hmc.edu/facilities-maintenance/parking.
  8. No one shall work on and/or repair a vehicle in a campus parking lot for more than 72 hours. All surrounding areas must be clear of excess parts or debris. Under no circumstances will the careless handling of hazardous waste materials or the disposal of any such waste product be tolerated. All hazardous waste must be properly disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Violators will be cited.
  9. Bicycles
    Although it is not necessary to register bikes with Campus Safety, it is recommended. Many bikes are stolen every year, and registration makes it more likely that, if found, bikes will be returned. Bikes may not be parked in corridors, stairwells or lounges by order of the Los Angeles County Fire Department Evacuation Code. Bicycles may not be secured to any dormitory bed frame. Acceptable bike parking is within a room (with roommate approval), in designated bike racks or in residence hall storage rooms (space permitting). Bicycling is not allowed inside any campus building due to the safety hazard it poses. Bicycles left unsecured or inappropriately stored at the close of the academic year will be discarded. For more information, see the Campus Safety web.

Home Address Changes

Report any changes in home address or home phone number to the registrar’s office. Students will be asked annually to confirm home information that is on file.

Emergency Contact Changes

Report any changes in emergency contact information to the Office of Housing and Residential Life. Students will be asked annually to confirm the emergency contact information on file. It is important that this data be kept accurate and up-to-date so that the College can contact the appropriate person(s) in the event of an emergency. Students should have at least two emergency contacts on file.

Enrollment Verifications

If students need verification of their student enrollment at HMC, they should contact the registrar’s office to obtain verification. Enrollment verifications are sometimes needed for such situations as good student driver discounts for auto insurance, health insurance and scholarship renewal.

Laboratory Equipment

No laboratory equipment or material may be removed from laboratories without appropriate academic department approval.

Access to Academic Buildings

The Libra Complex is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Entrance to the complex at other times is obtained by using the swipe card locks. Permission to enter individual rooms in the academic complex during off hours is determined by the academic departments. Keys may be obtained through the departments.

A list of persons authorized to have access, and the special regulations applying to the use of the facilities, may be posted by the appropriate academic department, shop or computer laboratory personnel. Authorized persons must be familiar with these regulations and observe them responsibly.

Authorized persons are also responsible for closing doors and preventing access by unauthorized persons. Buildings are checked periodically by Campus Safety. If doors are found propped open or if unauthorized persons are present, the building may be cleared of people and access privileges may be revoked.

Those students, faculty or staff who possess keys to any building or classroom may not copy or transfer the key. According to the California Penal Code, Section 466, possession of any unauthorized key or one that has been illegally duplicated is prohibited.

Leave of Absence, Withdrawal and Readmission Policy

I. Policy Statement

Harvey Mudd College (“HMC” or “College”) is committed to students’ long-term success and to seeing students thrive during their college experience. As part of this commitment, HMC supports students if they need to leave the College for a period of time.

II. Enrollment Status

Leave of Absence: A period of leave approved by the College for a delimited period of time with the expectation that the student will resume his/her/their studies. A leave of absence may be voluntary or involuntary.

Withdrawal: A withdrawal occurs when a student notifies the College of his/her/their intent to permanently cease attending the College or when a student fails to timely return from an approved leave of absence.

Dismissal: A dismissal occurs when a student is disenrolled for academic, disciplinary, or other reasons and is not eligible to return.

III. Voluntary Leave of Absence

A. Procedure for Requesting a Voluntary Leave of Absence

A student who plans to leave the College for a period of time should arrange a voluntary leave of absence with the Associate Dean for Academic Resources and Student Success (“ADARSS”) or the Associate or Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs (“ADAA”).

A leave of absence for a stipulated period of up to one year (i.e., two full semesters following the end of the semester in which the student was last enrolled) may be granted. A longer leave of absence may be granted by the ADARSS or ADAA under special or exceptional circumstances (e.g., for a student fulfilling a military service requirement, as a reasonable accommodation of a disability, or otherwise as required by law). A student who fails to timely return from a voluntary leave of absence, and who has not been granted an extension prior to the expiration of the voluntary leave, will be converted to an enrollment status of “withdrawal.”

The ADARSS or ADAA will provide any student who takes a voluntary leave of absence with written notice of the last day of attendance (“LDOA”), the date by which the student must leave campus, the date by which the student must notify the College of his/her/their intent to return or apply to return, and any terms and conditions that must be satisfied as a condition of return. A copy of the written notice will be placed in the student’s file.

The following offices/individuals will be notified of the LDOA: Registrar, Student Accounts, Financial Aid, Alumni Affairs, Facilities and Maintenance, Housing and Residential Life, and the student’s academic advisor(s).

         B. Academic Standing and Coursework

A student who takes a leave of absence from the College before the then-current semester’s course drop deadline will retain the previous semester’s academic standing. No course(s) will be listed on the transcript for the then-current semester unless the course(s) was completed before the leave or an incomplete grade is approved by the instructor and ADAA.

A student who takes a leave of absence from the College after the semester’s course drop deadline but before the last day of classes for the semester will receive a grade of “W” in all courses that have not already been graded, unless an incomplete grade is approved by the instructor and ADAA. The Scholarly Standing Committee will determine the student’s academic standing.

A student who takes a leave of absence from the College after the last day of classes for a given semester will receive the grades earned in the courses in which he/she/they are enrolled at the time of leaving. The Scholarly Standing Committee will determine the student’s academic standing.

         C. Readmission

A student who takes a voluntary leave of absence and wishes to resume his/her/their studies must contact the ADARSS or ADAA no later than June 15 for re-enrollment in the fall semester, November 15 for re-enrollment in the spring semester, or April 1 for re-enrollment in the Summer term. The student must satisfy any requirements for return and conditions of readmission that the ADARSS or ADAA identified in the notice issued when the leave was granted.

A student whose voluntary leave of absence was converted to “withdrawal” status must also petition the Scholarly Standing Committee for readmission. If approved to return, the student must satisfy any requirements for return specified in the notice issued when the voluntary leave was granted and/or specified by the Scholarly Standing Committee.

If a student is denied readmission or admitted with conditions imposed, the student may appeal in accordance with Section VI, below.

IV.  Voluntary Withdrawal

         A. Procedure for Voluntary Withdrawal

A student who plans to leave the College indefinitely should arrange a voluntary withdrawal with the ADARSS or ADAA, and must notify the Registrar in writing of his/her/their intent to withdraw from the College.

The ADARSS or ADAA will provide all students who voluntarily withdraw with written notice of the LOA and the date by which the student must leave campus.

The following offices/individuals will be notified of the LOA: Registrar, Student Accounts, Financial Aid, Alumni Affairs, Facilities and Maintenance, Housing and Residential Life, and the student’s academic advisor(s).

A student may elect to pursue a Program of Transfer Studies (“PTS”) as his/her/their final semester of enrollment prior to withdrawing. A student must petition the Scholarly Standing Committee for permission to take a PTS. If a PTS is approved, the student is released from the usual course requirements (including Core) for a terminal semester. A student who takes a PTS is prohibited from petitioning to return to the College.

         B. Academic Standing and Coursework

A student who withdraws from the College before the semester’s course drop deadline will retain the previous semester’s academic standing. No course(s) will be listed on the transcript for the semester unless the course(s) was completed before the withdrawal.

A student who withdraws from the College after the semester’s course drop deadline but before the last day of classes for the semester will receive a grade of “W” in all courses that have not already been graded. The Scholarly Standing Committee will determine the student’s academic standing.

A student who withdraws from the College after the last day of classes for a given semester will receive the grades earned in the courses in which he/she/they are enrolled at the time of leaving. The Scholarly Standing Committee will determine the student’s academic standing.

     C. Readmission

When a student withdraws from the College, there is no expectation of return. If a student wishes to return to the College after a withdrawal, he/she/they must petition the Scholarly Standing Committee for readmission. As noted in section IV.A, above, a student who takes a PTS in his/her/their final semester of enrollment prior to withdrawal is prohibited from petitioning to return to the College.

Readmission may be subject to conditions, and students who are readmitted must comply with any conditions imposed.

If a student is denied readmission or admitted with conditions imposed, the student may appeal in accordance with Section VI, below.

V. Involuntary Leave of Absence

A. Purpose of Involuntary Leave of Absence Policy

This involuntary leave of absence policy is not a disciplinary process. Rather, the policy is intended to apply when specific criteria exist which necessitate involuntary leave. Such criteria include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:

  • The student presents a substantial risk of harm to self and/or others;
  • The student significantly disrupts the educational and/or other activities of the College, and such disruption is deemed to be related to a health condition;
  • The student is unable or unwilling to carry out substantial self-care obligations or to participate meaningfully in educational activities; or
  • The student requires a level of care from the College community which exceeds the resources and staffing that the College can reasonably be expected to provide for a student’s well-being.

The Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students (“Dean of Students”) or designee, in consultation with the Care Team, a multidisciplinary team that works to assist students in need of personal and/or academic support, will determine whether a student meets the above criteria, and if so, whether the student will be placed on an involuntary leave of absence. The determination shall be based on an individualized assessment of the student’s situation.

As an alternative to invoking this policy, the College will encourage and permit a student to take a voluntary leave of absence that may entail restrictions or conditions of return. An involuntary leave will be invoked only after all other feasible options for treatment and intervention for the individual student have been pursued.

Note that this involuntary leave policy and the procedures listed below neither take the place of disciplinary action in response to violations of the Honor Code, nor preclude removal or dismissal from the College or from College housing as a result of violations of other academic or non-academic College policies. Nor does anything contained in this policy limit the right to ban students from campus under the Disruptive Persons Policy approved by the Presidents’ Council of the Claremont Colleges.

     B. Determing when an Involuntary Leave of Absence is Appropriate

When an involuntary leave is under consideration, the Dean of Students or designee will so notify the student in writing. The notification will provide information regarding this policy and the procedures that will be followed in determining whether an involuntary leave will be required.

The Dean of Students or designee will gather information necessary to make an individualized and objective assessment of the student’s ability to safely participate in his/her/their academic program and in the College community. The Dean of Students or designee may gather this information from various sources, including but not limited to administrators, faculty, and/or appropriately trained health professional(s) identified by the College.

In an effort to gather the most current information about the student, the College may ask the student to consent to a psychological and/or medical evaluation, at no cost to the student, by a health practitioner chosen or approved by the College. The student may also provide relevant medical and/or psychological information from his/her/their health care provider or any other information that he/she/they wish the College to consider. If a student declines to consent to a psychological and/or medical evaluation or to the release of medical/psychological information requested by the College, such declination may be considered along with all other available information in deciding whether to place the student on an involuntary leave.

Following the review of all available, relevant information, including any information that the student provides, the Dean of Students or designee, in consultation with the Care Team, will decide whether to place the student on an involuntary leave of absence. If, after consideration, an involuntary leave is not imposed, the Dean of Students or designee may impose conditions on which the student is allowed to remain at the College. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to: complying with a medical treatment plan, regular consultations with health care professionals, meetings with administrators, disclosure of relevant medical records and information, and/or restrictions related to access to housing, other campus locations, and/or participation in certain activities. Failure to adhere to the conditions imposed may be grounds to review whether an involuntary leave is appropriate.

If an involuntary leave is imposed, the Dean of Students or designee shall inform the student in writing of the decision, the basis for the decision, the effective date of the leave, and any conditions for return. If a student is permitted to remain enrolled subject to conditions, the Dean of Students or designee shall inform the student in writing of the effective date and of the duration of the modified attendance. A student placed on an involuntary leave or permitted to remain enrolled subject to conditions will also be informed of his/her/their right to request a hearing.

     C. Administrative Hearing

When it is decided that a student will be placed on an involuntary leave of absence or permitted to remain enrolled with conditions imposed, the student may request an administrative hearing of the decision before a hearing officer appointed by the Dean of Students. A request for hearing must be made in writing to the Dean of Students or designee within five (5) business days after the student receives written notice of the decision. A hearing will be set as soon as practical and possible. A student who has been placed on an involuntary leave of absence or interim suspension will remain on the involuntary leave of absence or interim suspension pending completion of the hearing.

The hearing shall be informal and non-adversarial. During the hearing, the student may present relevant information and may have an advisor/support person of his/her/their choice present. The role of the advisor/support person is limited to providing advice and/or support to the student. At the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing officer shall decide whether to uphold the decision or to return the decision to the Dean of Students for further consideration. The student shall promptly be provided written notice of the hearing officer’s decision.

     D. Interim Suspension

In situations that involve an imminent or ongoing threat to the student or others, a declination by the student to participate in or cooperate with the evaluation process, or other exceptional circumstances, the Dean of Students or designee may impose an interim suspension or restrict the student’s access to housing, other campus locations, and/or participation in certain activities while the individualized assessment is taking place and/or prior to a final determination.

A student who is placed on an interim suspension is not allowed to participate in any College-sanctioned activities, attend classes or labs, reside in or visit on-campus student housing, or otherwise be present on campus except to attend a meeting or hearing related to this policy, unless the student obtains the prior written permission of the Dean of Students or designee.

A student who is placed on restricted campus housing status may not reside in or visit the residence halls but may be present on campus to attend classes and labs and to engage in other College activities, subject to any limitations and restrictions imposed by the Dean of Students or designee.

A student placed on interim suspension or restricted campus status, residential or otherwise, will be provided speedy access to the administrative hearing process outlined in section V.C, above.

     E. Voluntary Leave of Absence or Withdrawal when Facing Involuntary Leave of Absence

If the student chooses to take a voluntary leave of absence or to withdraw voluntarily from the College when faced with the possibility of an involuntary leave of absence, the student waives any right to further procedures available under this involuntary leave of absence policy. Note, however, that the readmission procedures described in section G, below, will apply.

     F. Academic Standing and Coursework

A student who is placed on an involuntary leave of absence before the semester’s course drop deadline will retain the previous semester’s academic standing. No courses will be listed on the transcript for the semester unless completed before the leave.

A student who is placed on an involuntary leave of absence after the semester’s course drop deadline but on or before the last day of classes for the semester will receive a grade of “W” in all courses that have not already been graded. The Scholarly Standing Committee will determine the student’s academic standing.

A student who is placed on an involuntary leave of absence after the last day of classes in a given semester will receive the grades earned in those courses in which they are enrolled at the time of leaving. The Scholarly Standing Committee will determine the student’s academic standing.

     G. Readmission

A student who has been placed on an involuntary leave of absence and who wishes to return must petition for readmission no later than August 1 for readmission in the fall semester, December 1 for readmission in the spring semester, or May 1 for readmission in the Summer term.

The student must satisfy any requirements previously imposed as a condition of return and provide appropriate documentation necessary to demonstrate a readiness to return to the academically rigorous college environment and to be a successful member of the campus community, either with or without accommodations.

Petitions for readmission after an involuntary leave must be submitted to the Dean of Students or designee. The Dean of Students or designee, in collaboration with the Care Team, will review the petition for readmission, consult with College personnel as appropriate, and make a decision regarding readmission.

A student who does not petition for readmission within two full semesters from the date the leave [is imposed][expires] will be converted to an enrollment status of “withdrawal.” A student who wishes to return to the College, but whose involuntary leave of absence was converted to a withdrawal, must both submit a petition to the Dean of Students or designee as provided above in this section V.G, and petition the Scholarly Standing Committee.

If approved to return by the Dean of Students or designee and the Scholarly Standing Committee, the student must satisfy any requirements for return which were specified at the time the involuntary leave was originally imposed and/or by the Scholarly Standing Committee.

VI. Appeals

A student may appeal an involuntary or voluntary leave of absence decision, and/or any conditions imposed to remain or to return, to the President of the College or designee, who shall review all information presented and make a final decision. The appeal must be submitted in writing within ten (10) business days of the student’s receipt of the decision. The student shall promptly be provided written notice of the President’s or designee’s final decision.

A student may appeal a voluntary withdrawal decision, and/or any conditions imposed to remain or to return, to the Scholarly Standing Committee, who shall review all information presented and make a final decision. The appeal must be submitted in writing within ten (10) business days of the student’s receipt of the decision. The student shall promptly be provided written notice of the Scholarly Standing Committee’s final decision. This process also applies to a student who wishes to return to the College, but whose LOA was converted to a withdrawal after the expiration of the approved LOA period.

VII. Confidentiality

All records concerning involuntary leaves of absence will be kept in accordance with the College’s Confidentiality Policy and other applicable policies.

VIII.  All Separated Students, Presence on Campus

Any student separated from HMC, whether placed on a voluntary leave of absence, involuntary leave of absence, or withdrawal, must leave campus within 24 hours of his/her/their receipt of written notice furnished by the ADARSS, ADAA, or Dean of Students or designee. In extraordinary circumstances, the Division of Student Affairs may accelerate the time for departure or grant extensions. Any separated student must return his/her/their college key(s) to the Associate Dean of Students/Director of Residential Life.

Participation in on- and off-campus student activities and use of HMC facilities are limited to enrolled students. Separated students are expected to be away from HMC during the term of the separation. If the student is or will be employed in a position that requires HMC enrollment as a student at the time of separation, he/she/they must relinquish such employment. Noncompliance with these requirements may delay readmission.